[ Keidanren ] [ Policy ] [ Index ]
Regarding Results of the 2ndnd Follow-up to the Keidanren Voluntary Action Plan on the Environment
--Section on Global Warming Measures--

(Attachment 1)

Trends in CO2 Emissions by Industry (in 10,000 of t-C)

Fiscal 1990Fiscal 1997Fiscal 1998 Percentage
change cf.
fiscal 1990
change cf.
fiscal 1997
1カジノシークレット vプリカf Electric Power Companies 7500800078004.0-2.5
2Japan Gas Association 312625-19.4-3.8
3Petroleum Association of Japan 9301234120829.9-2.1
4Japan Iron and Steel Federation 475046704300-9.5-7.9
5Japan Chemical Industry Association 1977213820875.6-2.4
6Cement Association of Japan 749758677-9.6-10.7
7カジノシークレット vプリカf Paper Manufacturers in Japan 766.7802.7790.83.1-1.5
8Japan カジノシークレット vプリカf Housing Organizations 127.1110.5102.5-19.4-7.2
9Electronic Industries Association of Japan 21428125217.8-10.3
10カジノシークレット vプリカuto Parts Industries Association 210.1215.3202.8-3.5-5.8
11カジノシークレット vプリカutomobile Manufacturers Association 207186180-13.0-3.2
12Japan カジノシークレット vプリカf Construction Contractors 136.33135.21109.04-20.0-19.4
13Japan Mining Industry Association 132.9132131.8-0.8-0.2
14Japan Electrical Manufacturers' Association 554744-20.0-6.4
15Flat Glass Association of Japan 56.652.345-20.5-14.0
16The Japan Rubber Manufacturers Association 52.65150.3-4.4-1.4
17Japan Electric Wire and Cable Makers' Association 26.823.222.2-17.2-4.3
18カジノシークレット vプリカluminium Federation 3944415.1-6.8
19カジノシークレット vプリカf Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Association of Japan 38.544.345.417.92.5
20Brewers Association of Japan 30.232.532.16.3-1.2
21Japan Brass Makers Association 24.921.518.5-25.7-14.0
22Japan Coal Energy Center 15.655-67.90.0
23カジノシークレット vプリカugar Refiners' Association 1613.813.3-16.9-3.6
24Limestone Association of Japan 12.411.410.9-12.1-4.4
25Japan Camera Industry Association
26The Shipbuilders' Association of Japan 4.15.2522.0-3.8
27カジノシークレット vプリカssociation of Rolling Stock Industries
28カジノシークレット vプリカociety of Industrial Machinery Manufacturers --1614.4---10.0
29Japan Bearing Industrial Association --18.517.1---7.6
30Japan Dairy Products Association 2022.
31カジノシークレット vプリカoft Drink Bottlers' Association 1115.
Note 1:
The カジノシークレット vプリカociety of Industrial Machinery Manufacturers and the Japan Bearing Industrial Association have not released data on CO2 emissions for fiscal 1990.
Note 2:
The above includes a certain amount of CO2 emitted from raw materials.