カジノシークレット 銀行出金 on the Emergency Questionnaire Survey on the Great Hanshin Earthquake


March 17, 1995
(Japan Federation of Economic Organizations)

  1. カジノシークレット 銀行出金 Keidanren conducted an カジノシークレット 銀行出金 among 970 member companies to determine each company's relief activities as of February 17, one month after the quake. We received responses from 598 companies (response rate: 61.6%).

  2. Overview of the カジノシークレット 銀行出金
    Of the 598 companies that responded to the survey, 568 companies gave monetary assistance (95.0% of responding companies) for a combined total of 13.3 billion yen in monetary assistance (figures includes only the 562 companies that described the monetary amount). In addition, 325 companies (54.3% of responding companies) donated emergency supplies worth 7.1 billion yen (figure includes only the 269 companies that converted their assistance in kind into a monetary value). The total assistance, combining money and emergency supplies, was 20.4 billion yen.
    The number of companies that offered facilities was 151 (25.2% of responding companies), and the number of properties offered was 216. The number of companies which already had a special leave system, such as leave for voluntary activities, was 142 (23.7% of responding companies), out of which 36 companies established a special leave for the present quake only, while 4 companies established new leave programs for voluntary activities.
    Moreover, the number of companies whose employees participated in voluntary activities using an already established system was 77 (12.9% of responding companies), and the total number of participants was 904 people (based on the responses of 26 companies that specified the number of participants). Furthermore, 241 companies among all the companies without currently established leave systems responded that they would consider the establishment of such systems on a permanent basis.

(1) Total Assistance (Monetary Assistance, Emergency Supplies)
The figure in ( ) is the number of companies that responded.
Items:                   |        Total Amount         |  Average per company
Monetary assistance      |  13,253,000,カジノシークレット 銀行出金n (562)   |  23,600,カジノシークレット 銀行出金n (562)
[By Corporate members of |  [7,625,000,カジノシークレット 銀行出金n (156)]  | [48,900,カジノシークレット 銀行出金n (156)]
             the 1% Club]|                             |
Emergency supplies       |   7,146,600,カジノシークレット 銀行出金n (269)   |  26,660,カジノシークレット 銀行出金n (269)
[By Corporate members of |  [3,660,500,カジノシークレット 銀行出金n (104)]  | [35,200,カジノシークレット 銀行出金n (104)]
             the 1% Club]|                             |
Total                    |  20,399,500,カジノシークレット 銀行出金n (581)   |  35,100,カジノシークレット 銀行出金n (581)
[By Corporate members of | [11,285,400,カジノシークレット 銀行出金n (158)]  | [71,400,カジノシークレット 銀行出金n (158)]
             the 1% Club]|                             |
(2) Facilities Offered
The figure in ( ) is the number of companies that responded.
Items:                                   |  Number of properties
Total number of properties offered       |       216 (151)
[By corporate members of the 1% Club]    |      [105 ( 69)]
(3) Special Leave Systems, Such as Leave for Voluntary Activities
  1. Types of Leave Systems for Voluntary Activities
    The figure in ( ) is the percentage of total companies that responded.
    Items:                                                  | Number of companies
    Existing leave system for voluntary activities          |     80 (56.3%)
    Newly established leave system for voluntary activities |      4 ( 2.8%)
    Special leave only for this time                        |     36 (26.4%)
    Others                                                  |     22 (15.5%)
    Total                                                   |    142 (100%)
    [By corporate members of the 1% Club]                   |   [ 59 (41.5%)]
  2. Participation of Employees in Voluntary Activities
    The figure in ( ) is the number of companies that indicated the number of participants.
    Items:                                            |Number of companies and employees
    Companies whose employees participated            |     77 companies
                   in voluntary activities            |
    Number of participants (Total)                    |    904 people (26 companies)
    Number of participants (Average per company)      |     35 people (26 companies)
  3. Companies Considering the Establishment of a Leave System for Voluntary Activities
    The figure in ( ) is the percentage of total companies that responded.
    Items:                              |   Number of companies
    Companies without leave systems     |      438 (100.0%)
         Will consider in the future    |      241 (55.0%)
         Will not establish             |      115 (26.3%)
         Undecided                      |       82 (18.7%)