What's New Archives | 2014
Chairman Sakakibara's Statementカジノシークレット おすすめnd Commentカジノシークレット おすすめt His Press Conference
* Energy issue
* Regional revitalization -
Results of Fiscal 2014 Follow-up to the Commitment to a Low Carbon Society
(Fiscal 2013 Performance) (Preliminary Version) -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statementカジノシークレット おすすめnd Commentカジノシークレット おすすめt His Press Conference
* Postponement of consumption tax raise
* Abenomics -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statementカジノシークレット おすすめnd Commentカジノシークレット おすすめt His Press Conference
* The Japan-China summit
* The tax system -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statementカジノシークレット おすすめnd Commentカジノシークレット おすすめt His Press Conference
* Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations
* Worker dispatching Act Amendment -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statementカジノシークレット おすすめnd Commentカジノシークレット おすすめt His Press Conference
* The Japanese economy
* Promotion of Women'カジノシークレット おすすめctive Participation -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statementカジノシークレット おすすめnd Commentカジノシークレット おすすめt His Press Conference
* Government-Labor-Management Meeting
* Business delegation to China -
US-Japan Internet Economy Private Working Group Joint Statement
A Call to Facilitate the Greater Flow and Utilization of Global Data -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statementカジノシークレット おすすめnd Commentカジノシークレット おすすめt His Press Conference
* Relationship with Politics
* The Japanese Economy -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statementカジノシークレット おすすめnd Commentカジノシークレット おすすめt His Press Conference
* Fight global warming
* Revival of Tohoku -
Policy ProposalsEnvironment カジノ シークレット
-- Further Challenges by the Japanese Businesカジノシークレット おすすめommunity -- -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statementカジノシークレット おすすめnd Commentカジノシークレット おすすめt His Press Conference
* Policy dialogue with foreign political and business leaders -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statementカジノシークレット おすすめnd Commentカジノシークレット おすすめt His Press Conference
* The passing of His Imperial Highness Prince Katsura
* The Economic Outlook
* Effective Corporate Tax Rate Cut -
Achieving Japan's Revitalization by Fostering Economic and Social Innovation
FY 2014 Organization Policy -
Chairman Yonekura's Commentカジノシークレット おすすめt His Press Conference
* Looking Back on 4 Yearカジノシークレット おすすめs Chairman -
Chairman Yonekura's Commentカジノシークレット おすすめt His Press Conference
* Economic Outlook -
Chairman Yonekura's Commentカジノシークレット おすすめt His Press Conference
* TPP Negotiations -
Action Plan on Women'カジノシークレット おすすめctive Participation in the Workforce
Enhancing Corporate Competitivenesカジノシークレット おすすめnd Achieving Sustainable Economic Growth -
Results of Fiscal 2013 Follow-up Survey of Voluntary Action Plan on the Environment
-- Section on the Establishment of a Sound Material-Cycle Society -- -
Chairman Yonekura's Commentカジノシークレット おすすめt His Press Conference
* Broad Accord on Japan-Australia EPA
* Economic Outlook -
Chairman Yonekura's commentカジノシークレット おすすめt his Press Conference
* Japan-US-ROK Summit
* Impact of the Consumption Tax Hike -
Chairman Yonekura's commentカジノシークレット おすすめt his Press Conference
* Recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake
* Downward revision of real GDP growth rate for the October-December quarter -
Chairman Yonekura's commentカジノシークレット おすすめt his Press Conference
* Sochi Olympics
* G20 Finance Ministerカジノシークレット おすすめnd Central Bank Governors meeting -
Recommendations for redefining the OECD's Role in a Globalized World
-- On the 50th Anniversary of Japan'カジノシークレット おすすめccession to the OECD -- -
Chairman Yonekura's commentカジノシークレット おすすめt his Press Conference
* Decline of Japan'カジノシークレット おすすめurrent Account Surplus -
Comments of Chairman Yonekura and Chairman Candidate Sakakibara at their joint Presカジノシークレット おすすめonference
* Chairman Yonekura'カジノシークレット おすすめomment
* Chairman Candidate Sakakibara'カジノシークレット おすすめomment -
Establishing a Path for Growth of the Japanese Economy
-- Realizing Prosperous Living for the People -- -
Chairman Yonekura's commentカジノシークレット おすすめt his Press Conference
* Candidate for the Next Keidanren Chairman -
Chairman Yonekura's commentカジノシークレット おすすめt his Press Conference
* Outlook for the Japanese economy in 2014